Who Are The Seventy?
Luke 9:1-5
We know much about the 12
disciples who became the first Apostles. We know much about Saul who name was
changed to Paul. Jesus made him the first Apostle after He was seated on the
right hand of the Father according to Ephesians 4:11.
The 12 were sent 2 by 2 on a
mission by Jesus.
The Apostle Paul was sent on
a missionary journey throughout the land with himself and another. He had to
travel sometimes alone.
But who were the 70? Did they
hang out with and were taught by Jesus for 3 ½ years like the 12? Like the
Apostles who were sent on a mission 2 by 2 they were sent on a mission 2 by 2.
And they were also endued with the power of the Holy Ghost such that they could
cast out demons and bring down strongholds, and do miracles and healings.
Also, they had this power
before the day of Pentecost, Jesus was still alive! Why did Jesus call them to
have this special ministry and power that the Apostles had? Nobody could do
them any harm. If their peace was not returned they were instructed to wipe the
dust off their feet and go to another city. Jesus said of those in the last
days it would be worst for them than Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jesus only said of the 70
that their names were written in the book of life. They returned to Jesus
saying what they did and Jesus said He saw Satan fall from the sky. He did not
say He caused Satan to fall from the sky. All the Apostles suffered and died or
were killed. There is no mention of the 70 suffering and being killed. What
else did they do after returning to Jesus?
The Church today likes to go
out with many numbers to save souls and invite people to their Church. But there
is a vast difference between the ministries of the 70 which would stay in homes
teaching the Bible. Church groups stop by homes for a chat. When they go in
groups they won’t teach much from the Bible for fear they might get the door
slammed in their faces. And many are not equipped to teach or defend the Bible
Where are the 70 today? I
sometimes feel like the Prophet Elijah who ran 40 miles to the mountain of God asking of God, “Am I the Only One?”
At least the Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, the 70, and
the Church get to fellowship with each other. Even Jesus traveled with His 12
disciples, His mother Mary, and His brothers and sisters.
I’m just a Chaplain on the
block and Chaplains don’t often have the privilege to fellowship with other
Chaplains. They like me often have to go alone. Don’t get the wrong impression,
I like being a Chaplain. A Chaplain is a helps ministry and an incognito
Pastor. Some never see me coming or going or recognize my ministry even after I
speak. I don’t where a suit and tie.
Well, Chaplains do have the
Church and the Church is people. Often we don’t have an office in a Church but
a good Pastor will acknowledge my anointing and some members too. I can
fellowship and minister anywhere and at anytime and by any means. Thanks to
current technology, I can fellowship anywhere in the world by computer without
the expense of traveling.
One woman who became aware of
who I am, and what I do said that I am accountable to God only. I am free and my
ministry is free. Freely you receive freely you give.
But some people are a real
problem for me. I don’t minster in Church buildings exclusively so I don’t have
them to protect me. I have a Public Ministry like Jesus Christ and people can
say anything to me they like. Some times they have cruel words. Sometimes they
control my life or try to. Read what they said to and about Jesus. I only had
to literally dust off my feet one time. Shortly afterwards a buddy came down
the elevator to the first floor and dusted his feet off too.
Thank you Jesus